Math 231 Differential Equations I Fall 2023

Instructor: Xia Chen

Office: Ayres 318, 974-4284.



Office Hours: 9:00-10:00am TR

Text Book: Fundamentals of Differential equations by R. K. Nagle, E. B. Saff and A. D. Snider, Ninth edition.

Course Coverage: Selected sections from Chapters 1-4, 7-8.

Class: TR 12:55-14:10 pm (Ayres 120)

Prerequisites: Math 142 (or 148) or equivalent.

Grading: Final Exam 30%; Midterm 30%; Quiz 40%

Letters will be assigned as follows (subject to change): A:90-100%, B:80-89%, C:70-79%, D:60-70%, F:59% or below.

Test Schedule: We will have three midterm exams

All tests and exams will take place in the classroom for the class.

A request for make-up test or exam will be proceeded with restrictive standard. Except for some special circumstances, such request has to be properly documented and to be received early enough for consideration.

Quiz and homework