%%% plain tex \let\eps=\varepsilon Jochen Denzler: Nonpersistence of breather families for the perturbed sine Gordon equation. Comm. Math. Phys., 158(1993), 397-430. \vskip2ex We show that, up to one exception and as a consequence of first order perturbation theory only, it is impossible that a large portion of the well-known family of breather solutions to the sine Gordon equation could persist under any nontrivial perturbation of the form $$ u_{tt} - u_{xx} + \sin u = \eps \Delta(u) + O(\eps^2) \,,$$ where $\Delta$ is an analytic function in an {\it arbitrarily small\/} neighbourhood of $u=0$. Improving known results, we analyze and overcome the particular difficulties that arise when one allows the domain of analyticity of $\Delta$ to be small. The single exception is a one-dimensional linear space of perturbation functions under which the full family of breathers does persist up to first order in~$\eps$ \end