Extracted from   http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~cgp/prof77.html
Professional Programmer's Guide to Fortran77 (7th June 2005)
Copyright © 1988 - 2005 Clive G. Page

5.6 Arrays

An array is a group of memory locations given a single name. The elements of the array all have the same data type.
In mathematics the elements of an array a would be denoted by a1, a2, a3, and so on. In Fortran a particular array element is identified by providing a subscript expression in parentheses after the array name: A(1), A(2), A(3), etc. Subscripts must have integer type but they may be specified by expressions of arbitrary complexity, including function calls.
An array element can be used in the same way as a variable in almost all executable statements. Array elements are most often used within loops: typically an integer loop counter selects each element of the array in turn.
*Add array OLD to array NEW making array TOTAL 
      PARAMETER (NDATA = 1024) 
      DO 100, I = 1,NDATA 
          TOTAL(I) = OLD(I) + NEW(I) 

Declaring Arrays

Arrays can have up to seven dimensions; the lower bound of each dimension is one unless declared otherwise. There is no limit on the upper bound provided it is not less than the lower bound. Arrays which are dummy arguments of a procedure may have their dimension bounds specified by integer variables which are arguments of the procedure; in all other cases each dimension bound must be an integer constant expression. This fixes the size of the array at compile-time.
Type, DIMENSION, and COMMON statements may all be used to declare arrays, but COMMON statements have a specialised use (described in section 12). The DIMENSION statement has a similar form to a type statement but only declares the bounds of an array without determining its data type. It is usually simpler and neater to use a type statement which specifies both at once: CHARACTER COLUMN(5)*25, TITLE*80 Note that when declaring character arrays the string length follows the list of array bounds. The character array COLUMN has 5 elements each of which is 25 characters long; TITLE is, of course, just a variable 80 characters long. Although a default string length can be set for an entire type statement, it is not possible to set a default array size in a similar way.
It is generally good practice to use named constants to specify array bounds as this facilitates later modifications:
      PARAMETER (MAXIM = 15) 
These arrays all have a lower bound of one. A different lower bound can be specified for any dimension as shown below. The lower and upper bounds are separated by a colon:
      REAL TAX(1985:1990), PAY(12,1985:1990) 
      LOGICAL TRIPLE(-1:1, -1:1, -1:1, -1:1) 
TAX has 6 elements from TAX(1985) to TAX(1990).
PAY has 72 elements from PAY(1,1985) to PAY(12,1990).
TRIPLE has 81 elements from BIN(-1,-1.-1.-1) to BIN(1,1,1,1).
Although Fortran itself sets no limits to the sizes of arrays that can be defined, the finite capacity of the hardware is likely to do so. In virtual memory operating systems it is possible to use arrays larger than physical memory: those parts of the array not in active use are held on backing store such as a disc file.

Using Arrays

An array element reference must always use the same number of subscripts as the number of dimensions declared for the array. Each subscript can be an integer expression of any complexity, but there are restrictions on functions with side effects (see section 9.3).
An array element reference is only valid if all of the subscript expressions are defined and if each one is in the range declared for it. An array element can only be used in an expression if a value for it has been defined. A DATA statement (section 12) can be used to define an initial value for an entire array or any set of elements.

An array can be used without subscripts:
    * in a specification statement such as a type, DIMENSION, or SAVE

    * in a function reference or CALL statement: this transfers the
      whole of the array to the associated dummy argument (which must
      have a compatible array declaration);

    * in the data transfer list of a READ or WRITE statement: this
      causes the whole array to be input or output. This is not
      permitted for an assumed size dummy argument array.

    * as a unit identifier in a READ or WRITE statement: a character
      array is then an internal file with one record per element.

    * as a format identifier in a READ or WRITE statement: the format
      specification is contained in the character array with its
      elements taken in sequence.

Storage Sequence

Arrays are always stored in a contiguous set of memory locations. In the case of multi-dimensional arrays, the order of the elements is that the first subscript varies most rapidly, then the second subscript, and so on. For example in the following 2-dimensional array, X(2,3) (which for simplicity I have made one of only six elements):
The elements are stored in the following sequence: X(1,1), X(2,1), X(1,2), X(2,2), X(1,3), X(2,3) i.e. the sequence moves down each column first, then across to the next row. This column order is different from that used in some other programming languages.
The storage order may be important if you use large multi-dimensional arrays and wish to carry out some operation on all the elements of the array. It is then likely to be faster to access the array in storage order, i.e. by columns rather than rows. This means arranging loop indices with the last subscript indexed by the outer loop, and so on inwards. For example:
      SUM = 0.0D0 
      DO 250,L = 1,100 
          DO 150,K = 1,100 
               SUM = SUM + ARRAY(K,L) 
150       CONTINUE 
With the loops arranged this way around the memory locations are accessed in consecutive order, which minimises the processor overhead in subscript calculations.