c23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 PROGRAM sphere c This program determines the surface area and volume of a sphere, given c its radius. c Variable declarations REAL rad, area, volume, pi c Definition of variables c rad = radius, area = surface area, volume = volume of the sphere c Assign a value to the variable pi. pi = 3.141593 c Input the value of the radius and echo the inputted value. PRINT *, 'Enter the radius of the sphere.' READ *, rad PRINT *, rad, ' is the value of the radius.' c Compute the surface area and volume of the sphere. area = 4.0 * pi * rad**2 volume = (4.0/3.0) * pi * rad**3 c Print the values of the radius (given in cm), the surface area (sq cm), c and the volume (cubic cm). PRINT *,'In a sphere of radius', rad, ' , the surface area is', + area, ' and its volume is', volume, '.' STOP END