M371 - Alexiades
              Lab 5: Polynomial Interpolation
          (read the entire lab before you start doing it...)
To see visually how good and bad various interpolants can be, 
we'll use Matlab's interpolation functions and plotting (may use Octave instead, a Matlab clone, free),
on data generated from Runge's function:  f(x) = 1/(1+x2)

In Matlab (diary on), do the following: 

1. Generate N+1=11 equi-spaced nodes Xi in the interval [−5,5]:
	 X = [-5:1:5];    (to see values, omit the ;)
   or    X = linspace(-5,5,11);
   and evaluate f(x) at these nodes:
	 Y = 1./(1+X.^2);
   The N+1 points (Xi, Yi) are the data points to be interpolated by various methods. 
   Plot them to see where they are:
	 title('N+1 = 11 equi-spaced points of Runge function')

   Also generate lots of points xi at which to evaluate f(x) and the interpolants for plotting:
	 x = [-5:0.1:5];   (this is a lower case x, not X)
   Evaluate f(x) at these xi's and plot y=f(x) and the data points:
	 plot(x,y,'-', X,Y,'o')
	 title('Runge f(x) and data pts')

Now, we use the data points (Xi, Yi) to construct various interpolants.
A good interpolant should "reproduce" the function f(x) as close as possible. 
Let's try a few.

2. Nth degree interpolating polynomial:
   Use Matlab's polyinterp to construct (the coefficients of) the Nth degree interpolating polynomial (here N=10):
	 pN = polyfit( X,Y, N); 
   Now this can be evaluated anywhere in the interval [-5,5] with polyval, e.g. at the xi's:
	 v = polyval( pN, x); 
   Find the Inf-norm error ∥y-v∥:
	 err = norm(y-v, inf) 
   and plot both f(x) and pN(x) on the same plot:
	 plot(x,y,'-b', x,v,'*-r')
	 title('f(x) and pN(x) at plotting pts')

   Is this a good interpolant ?  Why ?

3. Interpolation at Chebychev nodes:
   Generate N+1=11 Chebychev points (Xchebi, Ychebi) in [a,b]:
	 fprintf('------ chebychev nodes ------\n')
	 K = N+1;
	 a=−5;  b=5;
	 for i=1:K
	     Xcheb(i)=(a+b)/2 + (b−a)/2 *cos( (i−0.5)*pi/K );
	 Ycheb = 1./(1+Xcheb.^2);

   Follow the steps in 2. to produce the Nth degree interpolating polynomial pNcheb 
   based on the Chebychev nodes, its values vcheb at the xi's, the error ∥y − vcheb∥,
   and plot both f(x) and pNcheb(x) on the same plot.

   Compare the error and plot with those from 2.
   Which one is better ?  why ?

4. Piecewise linear interpolation:
   Use Matlab's interp1 to construct the linear interpolant:
	 lin = interp1(X,Y, x, 'linear'); 
   Repeat the steps of 2. 

   Compare errors and plots.

5. Piecewise cubic interpolation:
   Use Matlab's interp1 to construct the cubic interpolant:
	 cub = interp1(X,Y, x, 'cubic'); 
   Repeat the steps of 2. 

   Compare errors and plots.

6. Cubic spline interpolation:
   Use Matlab's interp1 to construct the spline interpolant:
	 spl = interp1(X,Y, x, 'spline'); 
   Repeat the steps of 2. 

   Compare errors and plots.

7. To see that the error gets worse for bigger N for equi-spaced nodes but not for Chebychev nodes 
   (for this f(x) at least), repeat 2. and 3. with N = 20.

 diary off

What to submit
Clean up your "diary" to create a matlab script lab5.m , that does all the above.
Then insert comments (lines starting with %), describing what each step does.
Make sure your script works by running it in Matlab:   >>  lab5

Now create a file   "Lab5.txt"   with: your name, date, then your answers and comments for EACH case (2-7),
like, e.g:
  4. Piecewise linear interpolation:
  error =
Which one did you like best ?

At the end insert a separator:
and then insert your lab5.m   script.

Submit the (plain text) file "Lab5.txt" on Canvas.