LaTeX report template

\documentclass[]{report}   % list options between brackets
\usepackage{}              % list packages between braces

% type user-defined commands here


\title{\TeX\ and \LaTeX}   % type title between braces
\author{Tom Scavo}         % type author(s) between braces
\date{October 27, 1995}    % type date between braces

  A brief introduction to \TeX\ and \LaTeX

\chapter{\TeX}             % chapter 1
\section{Introduction}     % section 1.1
\subsection{History}       % subsection 1.1.1

\chapter{\LaTeX}           % chapter 2
\section{Introduction}     % section 2.1
\subsection{Usage}         % subsection 2.1.1

  % type bibliography here
