Tadele A. Mengesha

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About me: I am a professor of mathematics at UTK. I received my Ph. D. degree in mathematics from Temple University in 2007 under the supervision of Prof. Yury Grabovsky. Before joining UTK in 2014, I was an assistant professor at Coastal Carolina University, a postdoc at Louisiana State University working with Prof. Robert Lipton and then at Penn State University working with Prof. Qiang Du in that order.

Research Interest: My research activities circle around applied mathematics with an emphasis on analysis of solutions of partial differential and integral equations that appear in applications as models of different phenomena in various scientific fields. Research topics of interest include

  • Analysis of nonlocal model equations with particular focus on peridynamics,

  • Regularity of solutions of partial differential and integral equations,

  • Asymptotic analysis, Homogenization, and Calculus of Variations.

Contact Information

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Department of Mathematics,

204 Ayres Hall

Telephone: (865) 974-6577

Email: mengesha (at) utk [dot] edu