% compiled by Ken Stephenson % CP-bib.bib Circle packing bibliography. % September 2005 % @BOOK(AP95, AUTHOR={Pankaj K. Agarwal and J\'anos Pach}, TITLE={Combinatorial Geometry}, PUBLISHER={Wiley-Interscience}, ADDRESS={New York}, YEAR={1995}, NOTE={Part I, Section 8 on circle packing} ) %CP @ARTICLE(dA90, AUTHOR = {Dov Aharonov}, TITLE = {The hexagonal packing lemma and discrete potential theory}, JOURNAL = {Canadian Math. Bulletin}, VOLUME = {33}, YEAR = {1990}, PAGES = {247--252} ) %CP @ARTICLE(dA91, AUTHOR = {Dov Aharonov}, TITLE = {The {Descartes} circle theorem and applications to function theory}, JOURNAL = {Technion Preprint}, PAGES = {}, YEAR = {1991} ) %CP @ARTICLE(dA94, AUTHOR = {Dov Aharonov}, TITLE = {The hexagonal packing lemma and the {Rodin} {Sullivan} {Conjecture}}, JOURNAL = {Transactions Amer. Math. Soc.}, VOLUME = {343}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {157--167} ) %CP @ARTICLE(dA97, AUTHOR = {Dov Aharonov}, TITLE = {The sharp constant in the ring lemma}, JOURNAL = {Complex Variables Theory Appl.}, VOLUME = {33}, PAGES = {27--31}, YEAR = {1997} ) %CP @ARTICLE(AS97, AUTHOR = {Dov Aharonov and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Geometric sequences of discs in the {Apollonian} packing}, JOURNAL = {Algebra i Analiz, dedicated to Goluzin}, PUBLISHER = {Russian Academy of Sciences}, PAGES = {104--140}, VOLUME = {9}, NUMBER = {3}, YEAR = {1997} ) %CP @ARTICLE(eA70b, AUTHOR = {E. M. Andreev}, TITLE = {Convex polyhedra in {Lobacevskii} space}, JOURNAL = {Math. USSR Sbornik}, LANGUAGE = {English}, VOLUME = {10}, YEAR = {1970}, PAGES = {413--440} ) %CP @ARTICLE(eA70d, AUTHOR = {E. M. Andreev}, TITLE = {Convex polyhedra of finite volume in {Lobacevskii} space}, JOURNAL = {Math. USSR Sbornik}, LANGUAGE = {English}, VOLUME = {12}, YEAR = {1970}, PAGES = {255--259} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BFP84, AUTHOR = {{Imre B\'ar\'any} and {Zolt\'an F\"uredi} and {J\'anos Pach}}, TITLE = {Discrete convex functions and proof of the six circle conjecture of {Fejes T\'oth}}, JOURNAL = {Can. J. Math.}, VOLUME = {36}, YEAR = {1984}, PAGES = {569--576} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BSt91a, AUTHOR = {Alan F. Beardon and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {The {Schwarz-Pick} lemma for circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Ill. J. Math.}, VOLUME = {35}, YEAR = {1991}, PAGES = {577--606} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BSt91b, AUTHOR = {Alan F. Beardon and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Circle packings in different geometries}, JOURNAL = {Tohoku Math. J.}, VOLUME = {43}, YEAR = {1991}, PAGES = {27--36} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BSt90, AUTHOR = {Alan F. Beardon and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {The uniformization theorem for circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Indiana Univ. Math. J.}, VOLUME = {39}, YEAR = {1990}, PAGES = {1383--1425} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BDS94, AUTHOR = {Alan F. Beardon and Tomasz Dubejko and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Spiral hexagonal circle packings in the plane}, JOURNAL = {Geometriae Dedicata}, VOLUME = {49}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {39--70} ) %CP @ARTICLE(mB92, AUTHOR = {Marcel Berger}, TITLE = {Les placements de cercles}, JOURNAL = {Pour la Science (French Scientific American)}, YEAR = {1992}, PAGES = {}, VOLUME = {176} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BH01, AUTHOR = {A.~I.~Bobenko and T.~Hoffman}, TITLE = {Conformally Symmetric Circle Packings: a generalization of {Doyle's} spirals}, JOURNAL = {Experiment. Math.}, VOLUME = {10}, PAGES = {141--150}, YEAR = {2001} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BHS02, AUTHOR = {A.~I.~Bobenko and T.~Hoffman and Yu.~B.~Suris}, TITLE = {Hexagonal circle patterns and integrable systems: patterns with the multi-ratio property and {Lax} equations on the regular triangular lattice}, JOURNAL = {Int. Math. Res. Not.}, VOLUME = {}, PAGES = {111--164}, YEAR = {2002} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BoH03, AUTHOR = {Alexander~I.~Bobenko and Tim~Hoffman}, TITLE = {Hexagonal circle patterns and integrable systems. Patterns with constant angles}, JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, VOLUME = {116}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {525--566}, YEAR = {2003} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BkS03, AUTHOR = {Alexander~I.~Bobenko and Boris~A.~Springborn}, TITLE= {Variational principles for circle patterns and {Koebe's} theorem}, JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, VOLUME = {356}, PAGES = {659--689}, YEAR = {2003} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BHS02-t, AUTHOR = {A.~I.~Bobenko and T.~Hoffmann and B.~Springborn}, TITLE= {Minimal surfaces from circle patterns: geometry from combinatorics}, JOURNAL = {}, VOLUME = {}, PAGES = {}, YEAR = {}, NOTE = {preprint, 2002} ) %CP @ARTICLE(pB93, AUTHOR = {Philip L. Bowers}, TITLE = {The upper {Perron} method for labelled complexes with applications to circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.}, VOLUME = {114}, YEAR = {1993}, PAGES = {321--345} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BS92, AUTHOR = {Philip L. Bowers and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {The set of circle packing points in the {Teichm\"uller} space of a surface of finite conformal type is dense}, JOURNAL = {Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.}, YEAR = {1992}, VOLUME = {111}, PAGES = {487--513} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BS93, AUTHOR = {Philip L. Bowers and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Circle packings in surfaces of finite type: An in situ approach with applications to moduli}, JOURNAL = {Topology}, VOLUME = {32}, YEAR = {1993}, PAGES = {157--183} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BS96, AUTHOR = {Philip L. Bowers and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {A branched {Andreev-Thurston} Theorem for circle packings of the sphere}, JOURNAL = {Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)}, VOLUME = {73}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {185--215} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BS97, AUTHOR = {Philip L. Bowers and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {A ``regular'' pentagonal tiling of the plane}, JOURNAL = {Conformal Geometry and Dynamics}, VOLUME = {1}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {58--86} ) %CPN @BOOK(BS04, AUTHOR = {Philip L. Bowers and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Uniformizing dessins and {Bely\u{\i }} maps via circle packing}, PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, JOURNAL = {Memoirs}, VOLUME = {170}, NUMBER = {805}, YEAR = {2004} ) %CP @ARTICLE(pB97, AUTHOR = {Philip L. Bowers}, TITLE = {Negatively curved graph and planar metrics with applications to type}, JOURNAL = {Mich. Math. J.}, VOLUME = {45}, YEAR = {1998}, PAGES = {31--53} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(BH03, AUTHOR = {Philip L. Bowers and Monica K. Hurdal}, TITLE = {Planar conformal mapping of piecewise flat surfaces}, BOOKTITLE = {Visualization and Mathematics III}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin}, EDITORS = {H.-C. Hege and K. Polthier}, YEAR = {2003}, PAGES = {3--34} ) %CP @ARTICLE(wB92, AUTHOR = {Walter Br\"agger}, TITLE = {Kreispackungen und {Triangulierungen}}, JOURNAL = {L'Enseignement Math.}, YEAR = {1992}, VOLUME = {38}, PAGES = {201--217} ) %CP @ARTICLE(wB93-t, AUTHOR = {Walter Br\"agger}, TITLE = {Disk packings and volume of hyperbolic polyhedra}, YEAR = {1993}, JOURNAL = {}, PAGES = {}, VOLUME = {}, NOTE = {preprint} ) %CP @article(BrS93, AUTHOR = {Brightwell, Graham R. and Scheinerman, Edward R.}, TITLE = {Representations of planar graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Discrete Math.}, VOLUME = {6}, YEAR = {1993}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {214--229} ) %CP @ARTICLE(rB85a, AUTHOR = {Robert Brooks}, TITLE = {On the deformation theory of classical {Schottky} groups}, JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, VOLUME = {52}, YEAR = {1985}, PAGES = {1009--1024} ) %CP @ARTICLE(rB86, AUTHOR = {Robert Brooks}, TITLE = {Circle packings and co-compact extensions of {Kleinian} groups}, JOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, VOLUME = {86}, YEAR = {1986}, PAGES = {461--469} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(rB92, AUTHOR = {Robert Brooks}, TITLE = {The continued fraction parameter in the deformation theory of classical {Schottky} groups}, BOOKTITLE = {Contemp. Math.}, VOLUME = {136}, PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, ADDRESS = {Providence, RI}, YEAR = {1992}, PAGES = {41--54} ) %CP @PHDTHESIS(kC93, AUTHOR = {Kevin Callahan}, TITLE = {The Application of {Ahlfors'} Value Distribution Theory of Covering Surfaces to Circle Packing}, SCHOOL = {UCSD}, NOTE = {(advisor: Burt Rodin)}, YEAR = {1993} ) %CP @ARTICLE(CR93, AUTHOR = {Kevin Callahan and Burt Rodin}, TITLE = {Circle packing immersions from regularly exhaustible surfaces}, JOURNAL = {Complex Variables, Theory and Appl.}, VOLUME = {21}, PAGES = {171--177}, YEAR = {1993} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(jC91, AUTHOR = {James W. Cannon}, EDITOR = {{Tim Bedford} and {Michael Keane} and {Caroline Series}}, CHAPTER = {Eleventh}, TITLE = {The Theory of Negatively Curved Spaces and Groups}, BOOKTITLE = {Ergodic Theory, Symbolic Dynamics and Hyperbolic Spaces}, PUBLISHER = {Oxford Science Publications, Oxford-NewYork-Tokyo}, PAGES = {315--369}, YEAR = {1991}, NOTE = {Comments on circle packing} ) %CP @PHDTHESIS(iC89, AUTHOR = {Ithiel Carter}, TITLE = {Circle Packing and Conformal Mapping}, SCHOOL = {UCSD (advisor: Burt Rodin)}, YEAR = {1989} ) %CP @ARTICLE(CR92, AUTHOR = {Ithiel Carter and Burt Rodin}, TITLE = {An inverse problem for circle packing and conformal mapping}, JOURNAL = {Transactions Amer. Math. Soc.}, VOLUME = {334}, YEAR = {1992}, PAGES = {861--875} ) %CP @ARTICLE(CL03, AUTHOR = {Bennett Chow and Feng Luo}, TITLE = {Combinatorial {Ricci} flows on surfaces}, JOURNAL = {J. Differential Geom.}, YEAR = {2003}, VOLUME = {63}, PAGES = {97--129} ) %CP @ARTICLE(CdV89, AUTHOR = {Yves Colin de Verdi\`ere}, TITLE = {Empilements de cercles: Convergence d'une m\'ethode de point fixe}, JOURNAL = {Forum Mathematicum}, YEAR = {1989}, PAGES = {395--402}, VOLUME = {1} ) %CP @ARTICLE(CdV91a, AUTHOR = {Yves Colin de Verdi\`ere}, TITLE = {Une principe variationnel pour les empilements de cercles}, JOURNAL = {Inventiones Mathematicae}, YEAR = {1991}, VOLUME = {104}, PAGES = {655--669} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(CdVM94, AUTHOR = {Yves Colin de Verdi\`ere and Fr\'ed\'eric Math\'eus}, TITLE = {Empilements de cercles et approximations conformes}, BOOKTITLE = {Comptes rendus de la Table Ronde de Geometrie Rieman\-nienne en l'honneur de Marcel Berger, Seminaires et Congres}, YEAR = {1994}, PUBLISHER = {S.M.F.} ) %CP @ARTICLE(CS03, AUTHOR = {Charles R. Collins and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {A circle packing algorithm}, YEAR = {2003}, JOURNAL = {Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications}, VOLUME = {25}, PAGES = {233--256} ) %CP @ARTICLE(CDS03, AUTHOR = {Ch. R. Collins and T. A. Driscoll and K. Stephenson}, TITLE = {Curvature flow in conformal mapping}, YEAR = {2003}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Funct. Theory}, VOLUME = {3}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {325--347} ) %CP @ARTICLE(DHR94a, AUTHOR = {{P. Doyle} and {Zheng-Xu He} and {Burt Rodin}}, TITLE = {The asymptotical value of the circle packing constants $s_n$}, JOURNAL = {Discrete and Computational Geometry}, YEAR = {1994}, VOLUME = {12}, PAGES = {105--116} ) %CP @ARTICLE(DHR94b, AUTHOR = {{P. Doyle} and {Zheng-Xu He} and {Burt Rodin}}, TITLE = {Second derivatives and estimates for hexagonal circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Discrete and Computational Geom.}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {35--49} ) %CP @PHDTHESIS(tD93, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Branched circle packings, discrete complex polynomials, and the approximation of analytic functions}, SCHOOL = {University of Tennessee (advisor: Ken Stephenson)}, YEAR = {1993} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tD95, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Branched circle packings and discrete {Blaschke} products}, JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}, VOLUME = {347}, NUMBER = {10}, YEAR = {1995}, PAGES = {4073--4103} ) %CP @ARTICLE(DS95a, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {The branched {Schwarz} lemma: a classical result via circle packing}, JOURNAL = {Mich. Math. J.}, VOLUME = {42}, PAGES = {211--234}, YEAR = {1995} ) %CP @ARTICLE(DS95b, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko and Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Circle packing: Experiments in discrete analytic function theory}, JOURNAL = {Experimental Mathematics}, PAGES = {307--348}, VOLUME = {4}, NUMBER = {4}, YEAR = {1995} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tD96, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Circle-packing connections with random walks and a finite volume method}, JOURNAL = {S\'emin. Th\'eor. Spectr. G\'eom.}, YEAR = {1996--97}, PAGES = {153--161}, VOLUME = {15} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tD97, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Recurrent random walks, {Liouville's} theorem, and circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.}, YEAR = {1997}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {531--546}, VOLUME = {121} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tD97a, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Infinite branched packings and discrete complex polynomials}, JOURNAL = {J. London Math. Soc.}, VOLUME = {56}, PAGES = {347--368}, YEAR = {1997} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tD97b, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Approximation of analytic functions with prescribed boundary conditions by circle packing maps}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Computat. Geom.}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {67--77}, VOLUME = {17} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tD97c, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Circle packings in the unit disc}, JOURNAL = {Complex Variables Theory Appl.}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {29--50}, VOLUME = {32} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(tD97d, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Random walks on circle packings}, BOOKTITLE = {Contemp. Math.}, VOLUME = {211}, PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.}, ADDRESS = {Providence, RI}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {169--182} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tD99, AUTHOR = {Tomasz Dubejko}, TITLE = {Discrete solutions of Dirichlet problems, finite volumes, and circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Comput. Geom.}, YEAR = {1999}, PAGES = {19--39}, VOLUME = {22} ) %CP @PHDTHESIS(bG91, AUTHOR = {B. T. Garrett}, TITLE = {Euclidean and Hyperbolic Polyhedral Surfaces Determined by Circle Packings}, SCHOOL = {UCSD (advisor: Burt Rodin)}, YEAR = {1991} ) %CP @ARTICLE(bG92, AUTHOR = {B. T. Garrett}, TITLE = {Circle packings and polyhedral surfaces}, JOURNAL = {Disc. Comput. Geom.}, YEAR = {1992}, VOLUME = {8}, PAGES = {429--440} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tG37, AUTHOR = {Thorold Gosset}, TITLE = {The Hexlet}, JOURNAL = {February 6, Nature}, YEAR = {1937}, PAGES = {251--252}, NOTE = {Attached comment by Soddy} ) %CP @ARTICLE(lH88, AUTHOR = {Lowell J. Hansen}, TITLE = {On the {Rodin} and {Sullivan} ring lemma}, JOURNAL = {Complex Variables, Theory and Appl.}, VOLUME = {10}, YEAR = {1988}, PAGES = {23--30} ) %CP @ARTICLE(zxH90, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He}, TITLE = {Solving {Beltrami} equations by circle packing}, JOURNAL = {Transactions Amer. Math. Soc.}, VOLUME = {322}, YEAR = {1990}, PAGES = {657--670} ) %CP @ARTICLE(zxH91, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He}, TITLE = {An estimate for hexagonal circle packings}, JOURNAL = {J. Differential Geometry}, VOLUME = {33}, YEAR = {1991}, PAGES = {395--412} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HS93, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Fixed points, {Koebe} uniformization and circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Annals of Math.}, VOLUME = {137}, YEAR = {1993}, PAGES = {369--406} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HR93, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Burt Rodin}, TITLE = {Convergence of circle packings of finite valence to {Riemann} mappings}, JOURNAL = {Comm. in Analysis and Geometry}, VOLUME = {1}, YEAR = {1993}, PAGES = {31--41} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HS94, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Rigidity of circle domains whose boundary has $\sigma$-finite linear measure}, JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, VOLUME = {115}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {297--310} ) %CP @ARTICLE(zxH94b, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He}, TITLE = {Coarsely quasi-homogeneous circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Mich. Math. J.}, VOLUME = {41}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {175--180} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HS95a, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Hyperbolic and parabolic packings}, JOURNAL = {Discrete \& Computational Geom.}, VOLUME = {14}, YEAR = {1995}, PAGES = {123--149} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HS95b, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Koebe uniformization for ``almost circle domains''}, JOURNAL = {Amer. J. Math}, VOLUME = {117}, PAGES = {653--667}, YEAR = {1995} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HS95c, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {The inverse {Riemann} mapping theorem for relative circle domains}, JOURNAL = {Pac. J. Math}, PAGES = {157--165}, VOLUME = {171}, YEAR = {1995} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HS96, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {On the convergence of circle packings to the {Riemann} map}, JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, VOLUME = {125}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {285--305} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HS97, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {On the distortion of relative circle domain isomorphisms}, JOURNAL = {J. Anal. Math.}, VOLUME = {73}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {115--131} ) %CP @ARTICLE(HS98, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {The {$C^{\infty}$}-convergence of hexagonal disk packings to the {Riemann} map}, JOURNAL = {Acta Math.}, VOLUME = {180}, YEAR = {1998}, PAGES = {219--245} ) %CP @ARTICLE(zxH99, AUTHOR = {Zheng-Xu He}, TITLE = {Rigidity of infinite disk patterns}, JOURNAL = {Ann. of Math.}, YEAR = {1999}, VOLUME = {149}, PAGES = {1--33} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(cH92, AUTHOR = {Craig D.~Hodgson}, TITLE = {Deduction of {Andreev's} theorem from {Rivin's} characterization of convex hyperbolic polyhedra}, BOOKTITLE = {Topology 90, Proceedings of Research Semester in Low Dimensional Topology at O.~S.~U.}, PUBLISHER = {de Gruyter Verlag}, ADDRESS = {New York}, YEAR = {1992} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(HBS99, AUTHOR = {M. K. Hurdal and P. L. Bowers and K. Stephenson and D. W. L. Sumners and K. Rehm and K. Schaper and D. A. Rottenberg}, TITLE = {Quasi-conformally flat mapping the human cerebellum}, BOOKTITLE = {Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI'99}, EDITOR = {C. Taylor and A. Colchester}, PAGES = {279--286}, SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, VOLUME = {1679}, YEAR = {1999}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, ADDRESS = {Berlin} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(HBS99-a, AUTHOR = {Monica K. Hurdal and De Witt L. Sumners and Kelly Rehm and Kirt Schaper and Philip L. Bowers and Ken Stephenson and David A. Rottenberg}, TITLE = {A Quasi-conformal map of the cerebellar cortex}, NOTES = {Refereed abstract presented as poster #194 at the 5th International Conference on Human Brain Mapping (HBM'99), D\"usseldorf, Germany}, BOOKTITLE = {NeuroImage}, PAGES = {S194}, VOLUME = {9}, NUMBER = {6}, YEAR = {1999} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(HBS99-b, AUTHOR = {Monica K. Hurdal and De Witt L. Sumners and Ken Stephenson and Philip L. Bowers and David A. Rottenberg}, TITLE = {Generating conformal flat maps of the cortical surface via circle packing}, NOTES = {Refereed abstract presented as poster #195 at the 5th International Conference on Human Brain Mapping (HBM'99), D\"usseldorf, Germany}, BOOKTITLE = {NeuroImage}, PAGES = {S195}, VOLUME = {9}, NUMBER = {6}, YEAR = {1999} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(HBS99-c, AUTHOR = {Monica K. Hurdal and De Witt L. Sumners and Ken Stephenson and Philip L. Bowers and David A. Rottenberg}, TITLE = {{CirclePack} software for creating quasi-conformal flat maps of the human brain}, NOTES = {Refereed abstract presented as poster #250 at the 5th International Conference on Human Brain Mapping (HBM'99), D\"usseldorf, Germany}, BOOKTITLE = {NeuroImage}, PAGES = {S250}, VOLUME = {9}, NUMBER = {6}, YEAR = {1999} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(mHS04, AUTHOR = {M. K. Hurdal and Ken Stephenson}, TITLE = {Cortical cartography using the discrete conformal approach of circle packings}, YEAR = {2004}, VOLUME = {23, Supplement 1}, JOURNAL= {NeuroImage}, PAGES = {S119-S128} ) %CP @ARTICLE(pK36, AUTHOR = {Koebe}, TITLE = {Kontaktprobleme der {Konformen} {Abbildung}}, JOURNAL = {Ber. S\"achs. Akad. Wiss. Leipzig, Math.-Phys. Kl.}, VOLUME = {88}, YEAR = {1936}, PAGES = {141--164} ) %CP @ARTICLE(KMT03, AUTHOR = {Kojima, Sadayoshi and Mizushima, Shigeru and Tan, Ser Peow}, TITLE = {Circle packings on surfaces with projective structures}, JOURNAL = {J. Differential Geom.}, VOLUME = {63}, NUMBER = {3}, YEAR = {2003}, PAGES = {349--397} ) %CP @ARTICLE(sK99, AUTHOR = {Steven G. Krantz}, TITLE = {Conformal Mappings}, JOURNAL = {American Scientist}, VOLUME = {87}, NUMBER = {5}, YEAR = {1999}, PAGES = {436--445} ) %CP @ARTICLE(MP92a, AUTHOR = {S. Malitz \& A. Papakostas}, TITLE = {On the angular resolution of planar graphs}, JOURNAL = {STOC}, VOLUME = {24}, YEAR = {1992}, PAGES = {527--538} ) %CP @ARTICLE(MP92b, AUTHOR = {S. Malitz and A. Papakostas}, TITLE = {On the angular resolution of planar graphs}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Discrete Math.}, VOLUME = {7}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {172--183} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(MR90, AUTHOR = {Al Marden and Burt Rodin}, TITLE = {On {Thurston's} formulation and proof of {Andreev's} theorem}, BOOKTITLE = {Computational Methods and Function Theory, Proceeding, Valparaiso 1989}, YEAR = {1990}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, ADDRESS = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo}, NOTE = {Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 1435}, PAGES = {103--115} ) %CP @PHDTHESIS(fM94b, AUTHOR = {Fr\'ed\'eric Math\'eus}, TITLE = {Empilements de cercles: rigidit\'e, discretisation d'applications conformes}, SCHOOL = {Institut Fourier (Grenoble) (advisor: Colin de Verdi\`ere)}, YEAR = {1994}, NOTE = {These de Doctorat de l'Universite Grenoble I} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(CdVM96, AUTHOR = {Yves Colin de Verdi\`ere and Fr\'ed\'eric Math\'eus}, TITLE = {Empilements de cercles et approximations conformes}, BOOKTITLE = {Les Actes de la Table Ronde de G\'eom\'etrie Riemannienne en l'honneur de Marcel Berger (Lumigny, 13-17 juillet 1992)}, YEAR = {1996}, PUBLISHER = {S.M.F.}, NOTE = {Seminaires et Congres, No. 1} ) %CP @ARTICLE(fM93, AUTHOR = {Fr\'ed\'eric Math\'eus}, TITLE = {Rigidit\'e des empilements infinis immerges proprement dans le plan et dans le disque}, JOURNAL = {S\'eminaire de Th\'eorie Spectrale et G\'eom\'etrie}, VOLUME = {12}, PAGES = {69--85}, YEAR = {1993-94} ) %CP @ARTICLE(fM96, AUTHOR = {Fr\'ed\'eric Math\'eus}, TITLE = {Empilements de cercles et repr\'esentations conformes: une nouvelle preuve du th\'eor\'eme de {R}odin-{S}ullivan}, JOURNAL = {L'Enseignement Mathematique}, VOLUME = {42}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {125--152} ) %CP @ARTICLE(fM99, AUTHOR = {Fr\'ed\'eric Math\'eus}, TITLE = {Empilements de cercles et discr\'etization quasiconforme}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Comput. Geom.}, VOLUME = {22}, YEAR = {1999}, PAGES = {41--61} ) %CP @PHDTHESIS(gM96, AUTHOR = {G. J. McCaughan}, TITLE = {Some Topics in Circle Packing}, SCHOOL = {University of Cambridge (advisor: Keith Carne)}, YEAR = {1996} ) %CP @ARTICLE(gM98, AUTHOR = {Gareth McCaughan}, TITLE = {A recurrence/transience result for circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, VOLUME = {126}, YEAR = {1998}, PAGES = {3647--3656} ) %CP @ARTICLE(MTV91, AUTHOR = {{Gary L. Miller} and {Shang-Hua Teng} and {Stephen A. Vavasis}}, TITLE = {A unified geometric approach to graph separators}, JOURNAL = {Proc. 32nd Symp. on Found. of Comp. Sci.}, YEAR = {1991}, PAGES = {538--547} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(MT90, AUTHOR = {Gary L. Miller and William Thurston}, TITLE = {Separators in two and three dimensions}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing}, PUBLISHER = {ACM}, ADDRESS = {Baltimore}, MONTH = {May}, YEAR = {1990}, PAGES = {300-309} ) %CP @ARTICLE(sM00, AUTHOR = {Shigeru Mizushima}, TITLE = {Circle packings on complex affine tori}, JOURNAL = {Osaka J. Math.}, VOLUME = {37}, YEAR = {2000}, PAGES = {873--881} ) %CP @ARTICLE(bM93, AUTHOR = {Bojan Mohar}, TITLE = {A polynomial time circle packing algorithm}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, VOLUME = {117}, YEAR = {1993}, PAGES = {257--263} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(jM84, AUTHOR = {John W. Morgan}, TITLE = {On {Thurston's} uniformization theorem for three-dimensional manifolds}, BOOKTITLE = {The Smith Conjecture}, YEAR = {1984}, PUBLISHER = {Academic Press}, ADDRESS = {New York}, EDITOR = {Hyman Bass and John W. 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Math.}, VOLUME = {89}, YEAR = {1987}, PAGES = {271--289} ) %CP @ARTICLE(bR89, AUTHOR = {Burt Rodin}, TITLE = {Schwarz's lemma for circle packings {II}}, JOURNAL = {J. Differential Geometry}, VOLUME = {30}, YEAR = {1989}, PAGES = {539--554} ) %CP @ARTICLE(bR91, AUTHOR = {Burt Rodin}, TITLE = {On a problem of {A.} {Beardon} and {K. Stephenson}}, JOURNAL = {Indiana Univ. Math. J.}, VOLUME = {40}, YEAR = {1991}, PAGES = {271--275} ) %CP @ARTICLE(RK89, AUTHOR = {F. Rothen and A.-J.~Koch}, TITLE = {Phyllotaxis or the properties of spiral lattices. {II}. Packing of circles along logarithmic spirals}, JOURNAL = {J. Phys. France}, VOLUME = {50}, YEAR = {1989}, PAGES = {1603--1621} ) %CP @ARTICLE(tR98, AUTHOR = {Tony Rothman}, TITLE = {Japanese Temple Geometry}, JOURNAL = {Scientific American}, YEAR = {1998}, VOL = {May} ) %CP @ARTICLE(hSa94, AUTHOR = {Horst Sachs}, TITLE = {Coin graphs, polyhedra, and conformal mapping}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Math.}, VOLUME = {134}, PAGES = {133--138}, YEAR = {1994} ) %CP @PHDTHESIS(oS90, AUTHOR = {Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Packing two-dimensional bodies with prescribed combinatorics and applications to the construction of conformal and quasiconformal mappings}, SCHOOL = {Princeton}, YEAR = {1990} ) %CP @ARTICLE(oS91a, AUTHOR = {Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Existence and uniqueness of packings with specified combinatorics}, JOURNAL = {Israel J. Math.}, YEAR = {1991}, VOLUME = {73}, PAGES = {321--341} ) %CP @ARTICLE(oS91b, AUTHOR = {Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Rigidity of infinite (circle) packings}, JOURNAL = {Journal Amer. Math. Soc.}, VOLUME = {4}, YEAR = {1991}, PAGES = {127--149} ) %CP @ARTICLE(oS96, AUTHOR = {Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Conformal uniformization and packings}, JOURNAL = {Israel J. Math.}, VOLUME = {93}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {399--428} ) %CP @ARTICLE(BSc96, AUTHOR = {I.~Benjamini and O.~Schramm}, TITLE = {Harmonic functions on planar and almost planar graphs and manifolds, via circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Invent. Math.}, VOLUME = {126}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {565--587} ) %CP @ARTICLE(oS97, AUTHOR = {Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {Circle patterns with the combinatorics of the square grid}, JOURNAL = {Duke Math. J.}, VOLUME = {86}, YEAR = {1997}, PAGES = {347--389} ) %CP @ARTICLE(JS00, AUTHOR = {Johan Jonasson and Oded Schramm}, TITLE = {On the cover time of planar graphs}, JOURNAL = {Electron. Comm. Probab.}, YEAR = {2000}, VOLUME = {5}, PAGES = {85--90}, NOTE = {paper no. 10} ) %CP @ARTICLE(rS98, AUTHOR = {Ryan Siders}, TITLE = {Layered circlepackings and the type problem}, JOURNAL = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.}, YEAR = {1998}, VOLUME = {126}, NUMBER = {10}, PAGES = {3071--3074} ) %CP @ARTICLE(fS36a, AUTHOR = {F. Soddy}, TITLE = {The {Kiss} {Precise}}, JOURNAL = {Nature}, YEAR = {June 20, 1936}, NOTE = {poem}, PAGES = {1021} ) %CP @ARTICLE(fS36b, AUTHOR = {F. Soddy}, TITLE = {The {Hexlet}}, JOURNAL = {Nature}, YEAR = {December 5, 1936}, NOTE = {poem}, PAGES = {958} ) %CP @ARTICLE(fS37, AUTHOR = {F. Soddy}, TITLE = {The bowl of integers and the hexlet}, JOURNAL = {January 9, Nature}, YEAR = {1937}, PAGES = {77--79} ) %CP @ARTICLE(boS92, AUTHOR = {Bo S\"oderberg}, TITLE = {Apollonian tiling, the {Lorentz} group, and regular trees}, JOURNAL = {Phys. Rev. A}, YEAR = {15 August, 1992}, VOLUME = {46}, PAGES = {1859--1866} ) %CP @ARTICLE(kS90, AUTHOR = {Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Circle packings in the approximation of conformal mappings}, JOURNAL = {Bulletin, Amer. Math. Soc. (Research Announcements)}, VOLUME = {23, no. 2}, YEAR = {1990}, PAGES = {407--415} ) %CP @MISC(kS-tc, AUTHOR = {Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Circle Packings: Existence and Uniqueness}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Notes for REU course, Summer 1994, University of Tennessee} ) %CP @ARTICLE(kS92, AUTHOR = {Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {{\tt CirclePack} software}, YEAR = {1992-2005}, NOTE = {http://www.math.utk.edu/$\sim$kens} ) %CP @ARTICLE(kS96, AUTHOR = {Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {A Probabilistic proof of {Thurston's} conjecture on circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Rendiconti del Seminario Mate. e Fisico di Milano}, VOLUME = {LXVI}, YEAR = {1996}, PAGES = {201--291} ) %CP @INPROCEEDINGS(kS99, AUTHOR = {Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Approximation of conformal structures via circle packing}, BOOKTITLE = {Computational Methods and Function Theory 1997, Proceedings of the Third CMFT Conference}, EDITOR = {N.~Papamichael and St.~Ruscheweyh and E.~B.~Saff}, YEAR = {1999}, PAGES = {551--582}, VOLUME = {11}, PUBLISHER = {World Scientific} ) %CP @INCOLLECTION(kS02, AUTHOR = {Kenneth Stephenson}, EDITOR = {R. K\"uhnau}, TITLE = {Circle Packing and Discrete Analytic Function Theory}, BOOKTITLE = {Handbook of Complex Analysis, Vol. 1: Geometric Function Theory}, PUBLISHER = {Elsevier}, YEAR = {2002}, NOTE = {Chapter 11} ) %CP @BOOK(kS05, AUTHOR = {Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Introduction to Circle Packing: the Theory of Discrete Analytic Functions}, PUBLISHER = {Camb. Univ. Press}, YEAR = {2005}, ADDRESS = {New York}, NOTE = {ISBN 0-521-82356-0, QA640.7.S74} ) %CP @ARTICLE(kS03, AUTHOR = {Kenneth Stephenson}, TITLE = {Circle Packing: A Mathematical Tale}, JOURNAL = {Notices Amer. Math. Soc.}, PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Society}, VOLUME = {50}, NUMBER = {11}, PAGES = {1376--1388}, YEAR = {2003} ) %CP @BOOK(wT-t, AUTHOR = {William Thurston}, TITLE = {The Geometry and Topology of 3-Manifolds}, PUBLISHER = {Princeton University Notes}, YEAR = {}, NOTE = {preprint} ) %CP @MISC(wT85, AUTHOR = {William Thurston}, TITLE = {The finite {Riemann} mapping theorem}, YEAR = {1985}, NOTE = {Invited talk, An International Symposium at Purdue University in celebrations of de Branges' proof of the Bieberbach conjecture, March 1985} ) %CP @ARTICLE(lfT77, AUTHOR = {L. Fejes Toth}, TITLE = {Research Problems}, JOURNAL = {Period. Math. Hungar}, VOLUME = {8}, YEAR = {1977}, PAGES = {103--104}, NOTE = {submitted question} ) %CP @ARTICLE(jvE94, AUTHOR = {Jeff van Eeuwen}, TITLE = {The discrete {Schwarz-Pick} lemma for overlapping circles}, JOURNAL = {PAMS}, VOLUME = {121}, YEAR = {1994}, PAGES = {1087--1091} ) %CP @ARTICLE(rW56, AUTHOR = {Richard Wagner}, TITLE = {Ein Kontaktproblem der konformen Abbildung}, JOURNAL = {J. Reine Angew. Math.}, VOLUME = {196}, YEAR = {1956}, PAGES = {99--132} ) %CP @PHDTHESIS(gbW99, AUTHOR = {George Brock Williams}, TITLE = {Discrete conformal welding}, SCHOOL = {University of Tennessee, Knoxville}, NOTE = {(advisor: Ken Stephenson)}, YEAR = {1999} ) %CP @ARTICLE(gbW01, AUTHOR = {George Brock Williams}, TITLE = {Earthquakes and circle packings}, JOURNAL = {J. Anal. Math.}, YEAR = {2001}, VOLUME = {85}, PAGES = {371--396} ) %CP @ARTICLE(gbW01a, AUTHOR = {George Brock Williams}, TITLE = {Approximation of quasisymmetries using circle packings}, JOURNAL = {Discrete Comput. Geom.}, YEAR = {2001}, VOLUME = {25}, PAGES = {103-124} ) %CP {http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00454/contents/00/10067} @ARTICLE(BW02, AUTHOR = {Roger Barnard and George Brock Williams}, TITLE = {Combinatorial excursions in moduli space}, JOURNAL = {Pacific J. Math.}, VOLUME = {205}, YEAR = {2002}, PAGES = {3--30} ) %CP @ARTICLE(gbW03, AUTHOR = {George Brock Williams}, TITLE = {Noncompact surfaces are packable}, JOURNAL = {J. Anal. Math.}, VOLUME = {90}, YEAR = {2003}, PAGES = {243--255} ) %CP @ARTICLE(gbW04, AUTHOR = {George Brock Williams}, TITLE = {Discrete conformal welding}, JOURNAL = {Indiana Univ. Math. J.}, YEAR = {2004}, VOLUME = {53}, PAGES = {765--804} ) %CP @ARTICLE{gbW02-t, AUTHOR = {G.~Brock Williams}, TITLE = {A Circle Packing Measureable {R}iemann Mapping Theorem}, JOURNAL = {}, YEAR = {}, NOTE = {preprint} } %CP