(A list of 14 ArXiV links based on talks given at the MIT conference Uniqueness in Analysis and Geometry- Dec 10-11, 2014)

Dan Knopf: Universal behavior in geometric heat flows  

1. Isenberg/Knopf/Sesum: Ricci flow neckpinches without rotational symmetry

2. Gang/Knopf: Universality in mean curvature flow neckpinches

3. Gang/Knopf/Sigal: Neckpinch dynamics for asymmetric surfaces evolving by MCF

Simon Brendle: MCF shrinkers of genus 0.

4. Brendle: Embedded self-similar shrinkers of genus 0

5. Brendle: Embedded minimal tori in S^3 and the Lawson conjecture

6. Brendle/Hung/Wang: A Minkowski inequality for hypersurfaces in the AdS-Schw manifold

7. Brendle: Two-point functions and their applications in geometry

Natasha Sesum: Ancient solutions to MCF

8. Daskalopoulos/Hamilton/Sesum: Classification of compact ancient solutions to (RF_)2

9. Daskalopoulos/DelPino/Sesum: Type II ancient compact solutions to the Yamabe flow

10. Haslhofer/Hershkovits: Ancient Solutions of MCF

Lu Wang: A sharp lower bound for the entropy of closed hypersurfaces

11. Bernstein/Wang: Sharp lower bound for the entropy of closed hypersurfaces up to dimension six

12. Colding/Ilmanen/Minicozzi/White: The round sphere minimizes entropy among closed self-shrinkers

13. Minicozzi: Lojasiewicz inequalities and applications

Felix Schulze: Local regularity theorem for MCF with triple edges

14. Ilmanen/Neves/Schulze: Local existence for the planar network flow