PROBLEMS- PART I                                                                                       DUE DATE   IN CLASS

2.1 Wave equation in 2D; d'Alembert's solution          1,5                                     8/31                 8

2.2 Causallity and energy (wave eqn in 1D)                     4,5,6                              8/31

3.5 heat eqn in 1D: solution of cauchy problem              1                                       9/7

2.4   heat eqn in 1D: heat kernel                                          2,3,16,18                        9/7               4,9,17

2.3  heat eqn in 1D:maximum principle, stability         1,4,6                                   9/14

2.5 comparison of waves and diffusions                    READING ASSGN.        9/7

3.3  non-homog. heat eqn in 1D

3.4   non-homog wave eqn. in 1D                                       2,3                                   9/14               1

9.4  heat eqn in 2D, 3D                                                           1                                       9/21

9.1 wave eqn in 2D, 3D: causality                                      1,2,3                                 9/21               8

9.2 wave eqn in 2D, 3D:Huygen's principle                     3,4                                    9/21              7

7.1 harmonic functions: mean-value poperty,
              maximum principle, Dirichlet's principle             2,4,5                               XXX             7,8

EXAM ONE (9/28): up to here

7.2 representation formula for potentials                           1,2                                     10/5

7.3 Dirichlet problem for the upper half-space                2,5,7                                 10/5              22