%This document is in LaTeX \documentstyle[11pt]{article} \begin{document} \begin{center} \LARGE{COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT-SPRING 1998}\\ \LARGE{Math 534-CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS} \end{center} Depending on student interest, I plan to offer this course with a new list of topics, emphasizing multidimensional variational problems arising in differential geometry. The idea is to run the course as a companion to our 500-level PDE sequence, or for students who know some PDE and are interested in differential geometry. The topics covered could lead directly to a 600-level topics course containing an introduction to areas of current research interest. PREREQUISITE: The main prerequisite (or co-requisite) is 535-536 (PDE). Some knowledge of differential geometry would be helpful, but will not be assumed. Advanced calculus and 400-level differential equations will be taken for granted. TOPICS: Elementary Morse Theory, Morse theory of geodesics. Existence of closed geodesics. Minimal surfaces. First and Second variations, Jacobi operators, stability. Solution of Plateau's problem. Harmonic maps; the Eells-Sampson theorem and applications. Advanced topics: the Palais-Smale condition; unstable solutions and the mountain-pass lemma. REFERENCES: J.Milnor, Morse Theory/ J.Jost, Differential geometry and Minimal surfaces/ H. Blaine Lawson, Lectures on minimal submanifolds/ M.Struwe, Variational Methods (advanced topics)/ INTERESTED GRADUATE STUDENTS: please indicate your interest by e-mail to me, or leave a note in my mailbox. \vspace{1cm} Alex Freire \end{document}